Please introduce yourself as an artist?
I am Subhadra Sarkar from Bangalore, India. From my early childhood, I started listening to my heart more than the demands of the surrounding. Academically being a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), I left the profession to become a teacher. Took all the teaching related studies and trainings after marriage to become a qualified Mathematics teacher.
Then Art came into my life in the year 2013 -2014. I learned classical dance during my childhood and classical music later, but one fine day, took up the paint-brush, some left over paints and a semi-finished canvas left over by my husband. From that moment the Art journey started in my life, which is still going on. With every passing day, I am realizing that Art is an indispensable activity of my life.
I get immense pleasure, happiness and relaxation by the time I spent and share with Art. I love the uncompromised liberty that I get from Art.
What is your medium and why did you choose it?
For this painting I have chosen Watercolour as my medium.
Although, I do paint in every medium but Watercolour is my most favourite one. The transparency, the soothing appeal and the subtleness of Watercolour in creating the impressionistic composition fascinates me a lot.
What was the inspiration behind this work?
As a regular bird-watcher, I feel immense peace, pleasure and delight while watching their activities. Birds symbolizes beauty and freedom.
Spring is the nesting season for most of the birds in India.
Beautiful warm green Rose-ringed Parakeets (my subject) on a lovely spring morning looks so fascinating while making love and nesting that they dragged me to paint them.
Who is your favourite artist? Why?
There are many artists from different media whom I do admire. Many Watercolour artists I do idolise too.
Joseph Zbukvic is one my favourite modern day Watercolour artist.